The Sheds


The horse sheds near the Meeting House are a rare surviving component of Quaker worship in centuries past, vividly evoking a whole way of life. An Elder recalls:

I have many fond memories of the shed’s past use. For instance, when I was in high school, we had a “rubber-tired” buggy. I had the fun of hitching it up on Sunday morning to drive it to Meeting with one of the horses belonging to C.E. Cocks’ Grocery Store. It held three of us “kids.” When we arrived, if it was cold the first thing we did after tying the horses in the shed was to throw the horse-blanket over the horse used by us on the way to Meeting. We headed for the wood fire stove in the Meeting House. Our seat — near the stove — held the six of us and Mother and Papa. Meeting soon “settled down.” Uncle Charlie Cocks sat on one of the facing benches. My favorite pastime in due course was to watch Uncle Charlie fumble his pocket for a message taken from the “Friends Intelligencer” and share it with us. I personally enjoyed his recitation each week. Other bad/good messages also. And then there was “Eating Sunday” after a Business Meeting — Aunt Emma always brought baked lima beans — delicious! While the Business Meeting was being held we “kids” were permitted to pickĀ myrtle under one of the windows near the clerk’s table so we were aware of having to be very quiet! How I miss those days!


The structure is an early five-bay, open-front shed with pegged and hewn framing and vertical siding. The building is thirty-two feet east of the Meeting House, with the front of the open bays aligned with the back (or south) wall of the Meeting House. One of the bays has been enclosed for storage.


The simple heart of this magnificent structure remains unmodified: massive posts and beams held together by hand-hewn pins. Along several of the supporting timbers, and on the far (east) wall, one can see evidence of restless horses’ gnawing on the wood. One may also see some century-old mischief, as children’s pen-knives have left such marks as “GTC: 1877.”
